Saturday, December 28, 2019

Glassdoors Annual Gender Pay Checkup for 2019

Glassdoors Annual Gender Pay Checkup for 2019Glassdoors Annual Gender Pay Checkup for 2019 For the past three years, weve conducted an annual audit of Glassdoors own employee compensation as part of a continued effort to promote workplace transparency and pay equity. Earlier this year, we published a global gender pay study that identified and analyzed eight countries gender pay eu-agrarpolitiks using salary data shared on Glassdoor.We are pleased to report that in 2019, Glassdoor has no significant pay gap between male and female employees. This analysis looks at an apples-to-apples comparison of employees in similar roles with comparable experience and backgrounds. The findings are consistent with ur past three analyses, which also found no adjusted gender pay gap for Glassdoor employees. Each year weve used a similar approach to the methods described in this previous report , which outlines how any employer can check to see if a gender pay gaps exist within their o rganization.Below is a deeper dive into the data that sheds more light on how we put together these findings.To start, we collected basic payroll data from Glassdoors HR department as of May 2019 for all approximately 700 full-time U.S. Glassdoor employees who went through a performance review process, excluding C-suite positions. Of these full-time U.S. employees, 46 percent are female and 54 percent are male. The summary table shows the average annual base pay, average bonus and average total compensation for male and female Glassdoor employees.Source Glassdoor Economic Research ( data shows men as a group earn higher average pay than women at Glassdoor. This is common in many companies and in the labor market overall in most countries . Average total pay welches $170,246 for men at Glassdoor, compared to $135,016 for women - a gap of $35,230 per year. This results in a 23 percent unadjusted gap (as illustrated below).This overall unadjusted gap remains similar to last years overall unadjusted pay gap of approximately 23 percent.Although the table above shows a large difference between the average male and female pay, the pay gap figures are unadjusted. It isnt an apples-to-apples comparison and doesnt account for important differences in job function, department, job tenure, management level, location or other factors that can explain differences between male and female pay.The unadjusted pay gap between average male and female pay at Glassdoor is due to the different representation of women and men in different roles in the company, which economists call occupational sorting . For example, Glassdoors absatzwirtschaft team is about 72 percent female. Meanwhile, Glassdoors engineering team is only about 21 percent female, up from 16 percent in 2018. This is above the national average , which shows women currently hold about 14 percent of all engineering and architecture roles. These teams have different pay scales and very differe nt local supply and demand in the labor market and that affects overall average male and female pay at the company.The best way to make an apples-to-apples comparison is to analyze the adjusted total pay gap.The figure below shows the results of our analysis of the adjusted total pay gap at Glassdoor (for the full methodology, see our pay audit guide for employers ). The bars show the approximate percentage of the total pay gap between men and women at Glassdoor, before and after including controls for employee and job characteristics such as job title, location, performance and seniority.Before accounting for any difference between male and female employees, theres about a 23 percent gender pay gap at Glassdoor in other words, men as a group earn around 23 percent more in total compensation than women as a group. Adding controls for employee and job characteristics (such as age, seniority, performance, and all other factors we can observe about employees) reduces the pay gap to 11 percent ( the middle bar), which is still statistically significant.However, when we make our best apples-to-apples comparison of employees by adding controls for occupation, departments and city location in the far right column, the gender pay gap at Glassdoor shrinks to a statistical zero - less than one half of one percent (the far right bar), which is not statistically significant.Based on this analysis, were happy to report that once weve accounted for differences in job functions, performance evaluations, employee tenure and other factors we can observe about our employees, theres no evidence of a gender pay gap among employees at Glassdoor. This finding remains unchanged from all three previous audits weve conducted in 2018 , 2017 and 2016 .The gender pay gap is a reality workers face around the world, as multiple Glassdoor studies have shown. Although there are hopeful signs the pay gap is shrinking, employers must ensure theyre taking the right steps to identify where it e xists within their own workplaces and to correct it. With the Glassdoor Equal Pay Pledge, more than 6,000 companies have expressed their own promise to pay employees fairly for equal work and experience. Its important for companies who have taken this pledge to check their pay gap regularly to ensure pay equity remains as their workforce grows and evolves.Were both happy to report that there is no adjusted gender pay gap at Glassdoor in 2019 and remain committed to furthering workplace transparency and promoting the importance of gender pay equity. By publishing our own pay checkup, we hope more companies utilize our free employers guide to examine their own compensation programs.To learn more about Glassdoors efforts around equal pay and tools to address the gender pay gap, check out Glassdoors Gender Pay Gap Breakdown .

Monday, December 23, 2019

Your First Take Your Child to Work Day

Your First Take Your Child to Work DayYour First Take Your Child to Work DayTake Your Daughters and Sons To Work Day lands on the fourth Thursday in April. This day is celebrated by over 3.5 million workplaces and 35 million workers. Its such a big deal that a foundation was built to support and encourage parents and companies to participate in this awesome event. If youre a new working mom, heres what you need to know about this special day and how you could partake in the festivities. First, Know Your History Over 20 years ago, the first Bring Your Daughter to Work Day was born. The people we have to thank worked at theMs. Foundation for Women, anon-profit organization. The founders of this day were its president Marie C. Wilson, its founder Gloria Steinem,andits treasurer Daren Ball. They hoped thatby bringing daughters into the workplace it would build up their self-esteem and help them envision their future career. In 2003, the observance was expanded to include boys and ren amed Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day because the experience is beneficial for all children.This day doesnt have to be justfor your children. You could bring your nieces, nephews or neighbors. This experience could be very beneficial especially if they are interested in your line of work Another non-profit organization,Take Our Daughters and Sons To Work Foundation, popped up due to the days popularity. Their mission is to provide guidance and support for businesses and families to keep this tradition going for years to come. This Tradition Benefits You, Your Child, and your Co-Workers...Everyone Do you talk about your children often at work? I bet your co-workers feel like they know your children pretty well. Likewise, when you are at home do you talk about your co-workers and boss often? Wouldnt it be great if everyone could meet each other? On this day youll have the chance to combine your two worlds, your work life and your family life. You will make introductions a nd form new friendships. Even if there are some mishaps, because with kids there always are, itll be an enriching experience. Also, when youll have the opportunity to bond with your child on a new level. It helps give them a better understanding what you do all day long while they are at school. They may ask questions about your work life that would never have been discussed unless they saw you at work. If they are older this day opens their eyes to a whole different world outside of school, sports and other after-school activities. One of the reasons why you are a working mom is because you want to be a good role model for your children. Heres your chance to really shine Youll show them what being a working mom is all about because theyll binnensee your day from beginning to end. Then, later on, you can enjoy watching your children pretend to be like you. How You Can Participate and Plan For This Big Day Before the big day,plan your workloadfor the day. Plan on being interrupte d more often and try to avoid taking on challenging tasks. If you must, see if another working parent could help you out for an hour. Then plan your childs workload. Ask your child if theres anything theyd like to do at our workplace to get them involved. You can surprise your little ones bypreparing programs and activitiesto fill up their work day. Does your company offer support or a program to follow on Take Your Daughter and Son to Work Day? If not, heres your chance to take the initiative Share your plans with your HR department. Then let them know about the Take Our Daughters and Sons To Work Foundation and their company guidelines and suggestions. With a plan in hand, your employer may feel encouraged to get other parents to participate in this day. You can share what youve done with your kids and how others could manage their workload. Also, you can help each other out when work gets piled on and you really need to focus. Because just like children work can be unpredictable, too. Some Tips for First Timers If this is your first time bringing your children to work ask other working parents for advice. Was there a good room the kids enjoyed seeing? How did the working parent keep their children quiet and entertained for the day? Perhaps some employees have toys stashed away for special occasions like this. Ask other working parents if theyd like to join you and your child(ren) for lunch. This is a great way to check in with other parents to see how their special day is going. Does anyone need help that afternoon? Could all the kids work on a project that afternoon? Plus, bringing all the children together will help them get some wiggles out. Everyone needs a little recess time, right? Most importantly, be sure to lay down some ground rules before stepping foot into the office. Tell them how you expect them to behave. Prep them by sharing your plan for the day and that they will have movement breaks around the office. Also, it wont hurt to offer a rew ard for good behavior Edited by Elizabeth McGrory.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Neuroscience of change Train your brain to create better habits

Neuroscience of change Train yur brain to create better habitsNeuroscience of change Train your brain to create better habitsThe chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken. - Samuel JohnsonA lot of our daily actions are automatic. Your brain like autopilot.Thats how it conserves energy.For better or for worse, our habits shape us.Breaking a bad habit ultimately is about rewiring your brain.Habits are found in an area of your brain called the basal ganglia.The mora often you perform an action or behave a certain way, the more it gets physically wired into your brain.This amazing adaptive quality of your brain is known as neuroplasticity.Your brain forms neuronal connections based on what you do repeatedly in your life - both good and bad.Every time you act in the same way, a specific neuronal pattern is stimulated and becomes strengthened in your brain.David Eagleman writes in Incognito Brains are in the business of gathering information and steer ing behavior appropriately. It doesnt matter whether consciousness is involved in the decision making. And most of the time, its not.Habits are the brains internal drivers.If you want to change how you work or a bad habit, you should have a clear exit strategy to break out of the chain.Debbie Hampton explainsWhen you first try to adopt a new behavior, you have to enlist your prefrontal cortex, the thinking brain, and insert conscious effort, intention, and thought into the process. When youve performed the new routine enough times for connections to be made and strengthened in your brain, the behavior will require less effort as it becomes the default pattern,To change an old habit, you have find out how to replace the routine but still look forward to the same reward.When your brain expects a reward even after changing a bad habit, you are more likely to pursue the new routine and stick to it.Enthusiasm is common. Commitment is rareIn a research by the Journal of Clinical Psycholog y, approximately 54% of people who resolved to change their ways failed to make the transformation last beyond six months, and the average person made the same life resolution 10 times over without success.Knowing what to do is not an issue, COMMITTING to it is the problem Many of us lack the proper structures to support the behavioural changes our life goals require.Commitment, consistency and patience. Those are hardest skills I have had to learn to use to be better and improve daily.In his brief 1890 work, Habit, William James- a writer, philosopher and physician considered to be one of the fathers of modern psychology laid out observations on forming new and lasting behaviorsPut yourself assiduously in conditions that encourage the new way He wrote. Make engagements incompatible with the old take a public pledge, if the case allows in short, envelop your resolution with every aid you know. This will give your new beginning such a momentum that the temptation to break down will n ot occur as soon as it otherwise might and every day during which a breakdown is postponed adds to the chances of its not occurring at all.Making meaningful and long-lasting changes in life depends on your ability to form and execute new goal achieving activities consistently enough that they become habitual.Start a new habit by riding the motivation waveThe long span of the bridge of your life is supported by countless cables called habits, attitudes, and desires. What you do in life depends upon what you are and what you want. What you get from life depends upon how much you want it? How much you are willing to work and plan and cooperate and use your resources. The long span of the bridge of your life is supported by countless cables that you are spinning now, and that is why today is such an important day. Make the cables strong - L.G. ElliottAccording to BJ Fogg, a psychologist and director of the Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford, sticking with good habits its not about t rying to increase your motivation so much as taking advantage of motivation when you do have it. Jim Rohn once said Motivation is what gets you abfluged. Habit is what keeps you going.In a 2013 interview with Ramit Sethi, author of I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Fogg explained how to ride what he calls the motivation wave, or the fluctuations in our motivation levels.Motivation only has one role in our lives and thats to help us to do hard things, Fogg said.Motivational waves are those moments where we feel really inspired to take action on a list of to-dos. However, when the Motivation Wave subsides, you will not respond to triggers for difficult tasks.So when your motivation is high, take immediate action on all those hard things you find difficult to start and maintain. The motivation wave might help you create long-term good behaviours.BJ Fogg explained in the interview that he wanted to drink more tea. So when his motivation was at its peak, he bought a bunch of tea, an electric kettle to boil water, and set everything up in easy-to-reach places on his kitchen counter. He built a system so that it was a no-brainer to make tea whenever he was in the kitchen.Its all about predicting the obstacles youll face in changing your behavior and making it easier to overcome them.The next time youre feeling motivated - either right now or later this week to either write a book, start a business, go to the gym, learn a language, or a skill - use the motivation wave to your advantage.Get better one percent at a timeCompounding is the greatest mathematical discovery of all time. - Albert EinsteinAs the saying goes, getting started is the hardest part. Dont wear yourself out before you even get off the ground. Learning to practice consistently doesnt have to be half as hard as we make it on ourselves.So, in order for a good habit to become sustainable and enjoyable, that part - the getting started - must not be sudden. It should be made increasingly automatic. When co nsistency is the problem, it is far better to commit to practicing for just 5 minutes or less a day and succeed at it, and then slowly add to the habit.Success begets successDr. BJ Fogg, at Stanford, stresses the importance of starting small in his practical theory course Tiny Habits.To make a habit like practice stick, he says, you must make it small enough for it to be unfailingly consistent from the very beginning. Floss just one tooth, he suggests, do just two pushups, walk for three minutes, drink just one glass of water each day, write a single paragraph, or perhaps, practice just one measure of music for 5 or 10 minutes.The goal at this point is not volume. The goal is to make the habit automatic. So start by setting yourself up to succeed by giving yourself goals that are easy to meet.Write a little bit every day and at the end of the year youll end up with a book or two. Put some money aside regularly and after 12 months youll have enough to pursue something you deeply care about.A magic bullet cannot save you Youve got to embrace the process and enjoy it. You cant escape the hard work it takes to get better.Every incredibly successful person you know today has been through the boring, mundane, time-tested process that eventually brings success. So, stop looking for quick hacks that bring faster results.Instead of reading every self-improvement post for the one golden tip that will make you superhumanly efficient, focus on doing the actual work that needs to be done.You can inspire yourself to take action. The hard, long process is the only way though. You cant achieve tremendous life success with a quick fix. Nobody gets it that easy.Becoming 1% better every day is a simple, practical way to achieve big goals.1% seems like a small amount. Yes, it is. Its tiny. Its easy. Its doable. And its applicable in most things you want to do or accomplish.It feels less intimidating and is more manageable. It might feel less exciting than chasing a huge win, but its results will be stronger and more sustainable.Find an accountability partnerWhen wertmiger zuwachs is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates. - Thomas S. MonsonA recent study looked at health behaviors among couples in the UK and found that one partners habits have a big influence on the others. Consider making a pact with your partner or find an accountability partner.The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study on accountability and found that you have a 65% of completing a goal if you commit to someone. And if you have a specific accountability appointment with a person youve committed, you will increase your chance of success by up to 95%.Goals take time, hard work, perseverance and commitment to achieve.And results often do not come as quickly as you hope. You can easily lose the motivation in the process and give up.But everything changes when you leverage an accountability syste m.To be accountable, all you need is a clear goal and a willingness to let others help you achieve it.According to research, the two factors that effectively help people achieve the behavior change they desire are incentives and accountability.Changing deeply entrenched habits invariably requires help, information, and real support from others, says the authors of Change Anything The New Science of Personal Success.Achieving anything in life takes practice.Writing every day, working out, eating healthy, etc. are practices that get better with time. Whether you want to change your habits, health, body, relationship or your finances, identifying the right commitment system can make it easy for you to reach your goals.When you are accountable to someone or a group of people for doing what you said you would do, you can easily get stuff done because you engage the power of social expectations.Build an accountability plan into your next big goal, and see the difference it makes If you wa nt to improve your chances of success, use the power of accountability.Breaking a bad habit or developing a good one might be hard work, but its not impossibleWant to build better, productive and meaningful life habits?Dig deeperI am creating a simple, actionable course to help you master theKaizen principles for making good habitslast for good. All the micro life and work habits you need to live a better, smarter, and more fulfilling life.Sign up to be notified when it launches.You can also subscribe to Postanly Weekly (my free weekly digest of the best posts about behavior change that affect health, wealth, and productivity). Join over 46,000 people on a mission to build a better life.Thisarticlefirst appeared onMedium.

Friday, December 13, 2019

4 Career Change Cover Letter Tips

4 Career Change Cover Letter Tips4 Career Change Cover Letter Tips0A high-impact cover letter is a great way for career changers to ease any concerns a kompetenzprofil employer may have about qualifications. Address the situation while positioning yourself as the perfect candidate for the job with the career change cover letter tips below4 Career Change Cover Letter TipsMake a very brief nod to your switch.Give employers the highly condensed version of why you are changing careers, and do it in an upbeat, professional manner. (A career change cover letter isnt the place to talk about your journey to this point or the personal reasons behind your decision.) Consider something like this phrasing from a sample cover letter, Although successful in my sales career, I have realized the aspects of my work I find most rewarding are all in HR-related functions. The following offers a few highlights of my qualifications.Focus on transferable skills in your career change cover letter.Sell yours elf by connecting the dots. While you may not have direct experience in this new industry, chances are you have transferable skills that apply to a variety of settings. Show the hirer through concrete examples how what youve done in the past bears on what you can do in the future.Career changers should incorporate skill sets and responsibilities used and developed in their past career(s) to offer potential employers compelling reasons why they should be considered, says Lizandra Vega, an executive recruiter blogging as The Career Confidante and author of The Image of Success Make a Great Impression and Land the Job You Want. For instance, if negotiating, counseling, and/or strategizing are skills used in a previous career, it is wise to explain how these skills transcend into the new career.Express your passion and knowledge.Project enthusiasm by talking about a class you took or a volunteer project you completed that relates to the job at hand. Research the companys goals then, add ress how your background fits into achieving them. Efforts to demonstrate that you are a lifelong learner dedicated to going the extra mile to succeed in this new industry are bound to get noticed.Dont knock your past.Lastly, remember that employers want to hire positive people who are focused on the contributions they can make to the company. Leave unflattering comments about your old job at the door.Career changers should not diminish or disparage their past career experiences/choices, Vega says. Doing so discredits your loyalty and passion. Move forward with why youd like to transition into the career that you are now looking into, without going into specifics of how much you loathed your last career or how unchallenging or insignificant it was/has been. Be proud of all of your accomplishments, and use them as a platform to catapult you into the next phase of your career.Looking to change careers? Start your job search here

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Secrets About Narrative Resume Revealed

Secrets About Narrative Resume Revealed A Startling Fact about Narrative Resume Uncovered To a terrific extent if a work activity may not be portrayed as an accomplishment it might not be worthy of mention in your resume. You have to make it exquisitely clear in the summary that you have what is necessary to find the business done. By highlighting skills as opposed to work history, an individual can emphasize he or shes qualified for the job. Narrative resumes offer a method of framing your experience and qualifications in the shape of a story. Employers and recruiters are extremely busy people and expect to read a specific amount of content based on the sort of job they are hiring for. Hiring managers still need to realize your history of earlier employers, even though it might not be the central point of your resume. Hiring agencies will try to find particular terms in your resume to make certain that you have the experience theyre seeking. Resumes ought never to be writte n in third individual. Its imperative that you tailor both documents to the job available. When you have work experience to show, be certain you make the the majority of it. There are many benefits of listing your work experience by skill category as opposed to by employer. There are lots of basic kinds of resumes you may use to submit an application for job openings. If youre looking to earn a career change, you will want to be more creative and do some research. Your experience should deal with every essential qualification in the job announcement. When you have database management experience, for instance, it carries more weight if its possible to associate it with a particular job you held for a couple years, instead of just listing it as a skill. Rather than having a work history section near the top of your resume, you may have an expert experience or accomplishments section that lists various skills you have developed through the years. Theres no need to supply refere nces as a piece of your resume. A narrative is also a single approach to transition from 1 scene to another through chronological events which were happening over time. You might think it is tough to come up with one and were not gonna lie, it may be difficult the first time however you will definitely get the hang of writing it with practice. Regardless, and if relevant, you wish to reveal your education under the very best light possible. As stated earlier, you only ought to stick to a first-person perspective. There are struggles that could easily be eliminated when youre in the early phases of writing your personal narrative essay. Utilize your background to assist you compose a narrative. You can also consistently evaluate productivity. Memoirs are like narrative essays. You may improve the narrative, though. Identify a crystal clear focus to be sure the narrative flows through the resume. Follow your outline, but you shouldnt be reluctant to change it as youre writin g. Building a narrative summary is one particular way of storytelling and needless to say, narrative writing. If you do decide to move forward with a resume summary statement, be sure to deal with it as your personal highlight reel. Narrative statements are generally true stories that come from the authors individual life, but you could also compose a narrative from experiences of different men and women. Now you know how to compose a narrative summary, you have the liberty on whats going to be your writing style. Explain the way the characters developed throughout the class of the story. Luckily, theres nothing like a tiny bit of inspiration to receive your creative juices flowing. Also, its the last phase of the writing.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Argument About Best Professional Resume Writing Services 4 Teachers

The Argument About Best Professional Resume Writing Services 4 Teachers Definitions of Best Professional Resume Writing Services 4 Teachers The business has invested a lot of time in making the website attractive to the client. When you compare various reviews, you will be able to discover the top resume services that satisfy your standards. Its important to employ a service which provides you a wonderful price for top quality. As soon as you locate a service you prefer, dont neglect to look at my review of it. The Start of Best Professional Resume Writing Services 4 Teachers Utilizing a writing service is the perfect approach to have a well-written essay to use as a guideline to make sure the essays you write are hitting each one of the crucial points and are at the appropriate depth necessary for your academic grade. Your goal in picking out the best resume format must be to produce the reader want to read it. Our talented and expert authors will readily cope with any acad emic writing. As soon as your document was written, our professional editor will ensure there arent any errors. You are likely to love our work. When you would like to find the best resume help, youre able to simply follow our lead. You can get that work too As you start looking for jobs as a teacher, take some opportunity to assess your targets and abilities. For starters, although the company has done an excellent job in making the site design and content, theres a severe deficiency of service options on it. Always be sure you have a look at the review my essay section of any writing service website youre contemplating using. If you need a plain resume and you may write your own content, the tool will offer you the format. If you see a service we havent evaluated, dont hesitate to drop us a glaubenszeugnis and were going to take a look once possible. Things You Wont Like About Best Professional Resume Writing Services 4 Teachers and Things You Will Writing is a present that comes naturally. So far as the students are involved, writing a research paper is among the toughest and frustrating job in their opinion. Type of Best Professional Resume Writing Services 4 Teachers Who knew essay writing may be so tough. If youre looking for top essay writing companies, try out the mentioned above. So should you need to employ college essay writer online, were just the people that you will need to contact. Our crew of expert essay writers will make sure that be it any topic, you will find an original paper free of hint of a copy-paste material.